3rd Party Integration: Why It’s Tricky

When you are running a telecom or IoT business, you constantly need to stay at the top of the game regardless of any challenges. Telecom companies and providers struggle to expand their business and services. Therefore, process automation and system integration with third party applications (softswitches, CRM, accounting system, etc.) are an inevitable part of a good strategy.

One of the key drivers behind moving old technologies to a next generation is the ability to cost-effectively improve service availability. Switching to the proper softswitch, peripheral equipment could ensure a high availability of features without compromising the integrity of services.

JeraSoft’s billing solution for telecom and IoT providers (VCS) is tailored to cover these needs. VCS has an architecture that has been optimized to work with a large amount of data and can be easily integrated with softswitches or other third-party systems.


In fact, one of the VCS billing advantages is its flexibility and the possibility of rapid integration that can be accomplished through its API. All you need for this is to assume that both applications have and support APIs. The critical point for operators is that the integration should proceed in a smooth and safe manner, in order to reduce the impacts on the existing networks, reduce the implementation costs, and get the benefits of migration. The JeraSoft team guarantees a successful integration. Our clients shouldn’t fear.

Moreover, a particular emphasis should be placed on the opportunities that integration can provide. Among these, we would like to highlight the following: additional traffic control and call routing options, ability to implement new custom functions, fraud protection control, integration with the optimal solutions for starting a business, or receiving the maximum benefits.

Smooth Integration

The JeraSoft team of experts has already completed a series of integration tests with industry-leading switches. As result, VCS can easily interconnect with almost any third party application over SIP, RADIUS protocols, or xDR text files. You can find a complete list of compatible equipment here: www.jerasoft.net/products/compatibility/.

In addition, VCS includes a rich set of well-documented API functions to facilitate automated data transfer. Generally, API methods could be used for creating a custom client’s portal and flexible integration with different platforms.

So, today you can get a smooth integration with leading solutions and equipment working well together with the JeraSoft Billing Platform in your own network. Besides, integration over the SIP protocol provides several functional advantages, such as basic call control, dynamic routing of calls according to the billing configurations (using price and traffic quality indicators). The integration over the RADIUS protocol brings multiple opportunities, for example, real-time balance control, call authorization, monitoring the number of simultaneous sessions, and transfer of routes lists.

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