Why Are Personalized Services In Telecom So Important?

According to Nokia Bell Labs, over the next five years, the amount of IP traffic will more than double and in 2022 it will reach 330 exabytes a month. Today, customers’ needs are growing and changing, they are striving to receive more comprehensive services in telecom field, including 24/7 internet connection, high-resolution video streams and much more.

Personalized Services In Telecom Important

Despite the fact that subscribers have a certain tariff plan on which the speed of Internet connection depends, at some point a person will want to see, for example, the broadcast of an interesting event on YouTube. Accordingly, this needs greater resources than are currently used. It is at this point in time that the operator should be ready to offer his users what they want or need from their provider.

Personalized Services In Telecom

To this end, a telecommunications company must learn to see the future needs of its audience. Also, to able to offer relevant services on time. Foremost, to adapt its own network to support such new services as they come online. The complexity of the tasks they face is increasing. In fact, users of operator’s services are already not only people but also machines. Each has its own requests to the network for bandwidth speed and strength, connection time, etc. In turn, from the operator, this requires changes at the billing software and network levels.

The problem is that many telecommunications companies are out of date and out of step with modern customer demands. Over the past 10-20 years, they have mainly been upgrading their tools. They have “patched” and “darned” instead of replacing these with new ones. As a result, the “Frankenstein” system was obtained, with a heap of software modules when any one person does not understand how it works together.

Reconsider Priorities

Such an environment prevents the communications operator from achieving flexibility in the development and implementation of new services. In order to remain competitive in the market, companies need to reconsider their priorities. First of all, they need to focus on such factors as capacity and reliability of the network, a clear billing system, serious technical knowledge, and opportunities to provide add-on and improved services, demonstrating to their potential audience that the company has far-reaching plans. As a result, the operator will be able to obtain additional revenue and strengthen the trust of his subscribers.

To expand the operator’s capabilities in monetization and improving the quality of services fields, JeraSoft has developed complex billing solution. This development provides integrated real-time billing, rate management, dynamic routing and other modules. They are strengthened with powerful analytics tools and other agile instruments to support operator’s business processes. The solution enables operators to create personalized offers and delivers them to customers at the right time.

Operators need a new approach to increasing sales if they really want to instantly deliver personalized services. The leading web companies have already accustomed their customers.

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Please contact JeraSoft Support for any product or support related questions at [email protected] or visit JeraSoft Documentation.

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