Reports & monitoring

JeraSoft Billing delivers comprehensive tools for reporting and monitoring, enabling telecom carriers to analyze traffic, profitability, and performance with precision. From aggregated reporting and flexible querying to time-based and quality insights, it empowers data-driven decision-making.

  • Aggregated reporting

    Quickly analyze millions of CDRs at once with powerful tools to group and summarize data by various attributes providing clear and actionable insights.

  • Customer-to-Vendor

    Gain a comprehensive overview of traffic flows from origination to termination, with insights into profit and quality metrics by routes used.

  • Flexible querying

    Customize reports with powerful querying capabilities, filtering data by destinations, customers, data sources, and more for precise insights.

  • Time-based analysis

    Aggregate and analyze data across various time ranges, such as hourly, daily, monthly, and more, to uncover trends and patterns over time.

  • Profitability reporting

    Analyze profitability with insights based on destinations, vendors, and the balance between profitability and quality to optimize performance and revenue.

  • Quality reporting

    Analyze call quality with detailed metrics such as ASR, ACD, PDD, SCD, and more, providing actionable insights to maintain and improve service performance.

  • Customer dynamics

    Add-on: Retail Services

    Track customer acquisition and usage trends, including pay-as-you-go services, subscription plans, balance refills, and overall activity dynamics.

  • Detailed CDR reporting

    Examine every individual CDR with full visibility into all parameters of each specific call for in-depth analysis and troubleshooting.

  • Balance report

    Monitor customer balances over time with a combined view of accounting and operational balances, providing a clear picture of financial flow and trends.

  • Stored queries

    Preconfigure and save frequently used reports, enabling quick and easy access for everyday routines without repetitive setup.

  • Scheduled reporting

    Automate stored queries to run at predefined intervals or specific times, with report results conveniently delivered to your email.

  • Automated analysis

    Use stored queries to detect specific traffic patterns and take automatic actions, such as blocking abnormal customer behavior to ensure security and stability.

  • API and data export

    Run reports via API to retrieve structured data for post-analysis or export results for seamless integration into external systems.

The Fastest Support in the Industry

JeraSoft engineers are available 24/7 for phone, chat or ticketing support. From simple questions to complicated issues — we always help our customers.
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