Tag: wholesale market

We at JeraSoft have been developing billing solutions for communications operators for 12 years already, and more than a dozen of implementations have taken place over this period. An efficient and accurate billing system is necessary for most businesses that offer subscription-based services: Internet service providers, telecom providers (wholesale VoIP, SMS, OTT, MVNO, Retail VoIP, Mobile VoIP) and IoT providers, data centers, content service providers, cloud services and others.

OSS / BSS systems (Operations Support Systems / Business Support Systems) are designed for integrated management of enterprise telecommunications resources. Initially, such solutions were entirely aimed at operational support of telecommunications networks. Now, such business tasks are being solved within one module of the modern OSS / BSS system.

Over the last two decades, the trade has soared in the telecom business. VoIP carrier providers attempt to come to terms with high customers’ demands. Most of them are digitally driven and experiencing technical development. And we are questioning: Is Wholesale VoIP alive?

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